Thursday, February 20, 2020

Actual GOOD News About the Coronavirus

Despite my desperate attempts to try and not write about the great pandemonium that is the Coronavirus (since it was swallowing up every Asian news outlet), I gave in and drank the Kool-Aid. Personally, I find it exhausting watching more and more stories of the spread, the increasing body count, and the newly-formed racism arising from the matter, causing many Asian businesses (despite the Coronavirus originating in China) to lose business at an astonishingly swift rate. I have had the owner of a certain Bahn-mi spot I go to thank me for my business-- it's safe to say that the coverage has been nothing short of equal parts dangerous and depressing.
In Hangzhou, China (as reported by a Filipino news outlet), a four-month-old patient miraculously recovers from the infamous Coronavirus, being the youngest patient to survive such circumstances. Despite the news story being a brief two sentences with what could be a stock photo, it was quite refreshing. Some may argue that in the world we live in, bad news and tragedies are cathartic and necessary in order for us to push for change and a better world. Personally, I'd argue we need a balance between the two. I feel in order for us to push for change, it is rewarding to see the results as well, knowing the work leads somewhere.
Anyway, maybe the Coronavirus isn't the worst we've seen yet. Stay tuned for some more hopefully better news?

Baby with novel coronavirus recovers

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