Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nepal Finally Believes That LGBTQ+ Exist

Nepal's next census (that will occur in 2021) will now count in LGBTQ peoples for the first time ever. The way the survey will be conducted is by having the usual options-- male, female-- but not including a third option, "other (sexual/gender community)". After the gender identity question, there will be no questions asking to identify sexual orientation. Nepal will be joining with Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh which also legally recognizes transgender peoples, also including enuchs and intersex people as a third gender.
This change will not only show in population, but will provide better access to education and healthcare for people that identify under the LGBTQ community while also helping them benefit from social security schemes like the police or the army. This will also be considered one big step for the socially conservative Himalayan nation towards progress. Although change seems to be coming, unfortunately, it is still reported that about 900,000 LGBTQ peoples are still harrassed in Nepal to this day. Change may also not show immediate results due to the fears, confusion, and concern around the stigmas placed on this community.
LGBTQ people to be counted in Nepal's census for the first time

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